Useful Resources

Last updated: September 9th, 2021

1. Rarity Ranking is currently the best resource available out there to rarity ranking. Since its launch in April 2021, has managed to secure itself a position of absolute dominance when it comes to NFT ranking and market benchmarking. features a unique Rarity Score for each token of any collection listed on the website, while also allowing to rank tokens by their specific attributes, current price, etc.

NFT rarity

While still a long way behind, NFT rarity also provides useful data on assets rarity using a Rarest Properties Ranking system.

2. Market Stats

NFT Stats

NFT Stats is a good place to gather market data on top NFT collections. Data is not always up-to-date (generally lagging a day behind the market) but readily available. Useful to watch what collections are trending and the general market sentiment when comparing trading volume across several days or weeks.


Another good resource for NFT market stats is NonFungible, which provides detailed data, market history, graphs, etc. The number of listed collections is however quite limited at the moment.